Application Modernization on AWS

Application Modernization

Learn how modernizing your applications on the AWS cloud is a key step to make your applications truly cloud native, unlocking new software delivery and revenue models, as well as operational efficiency.

Application Modernization

Modernization is a core focus for Caylent and we put a significant amount of energy and investment towards it. In our technology landscape, things are always changing. There are always opportunities to continuously modernize infrastructure, applications or storage, particularly with the advancements that AWS brings to the table in terms of the features and functionality their services offer.

We never look at modernization as a one time event. It is always a continual effort that needs to take place on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis, where we sit down with our clients and actually look at the technology stack and try to find ways to innovate, leverage new services and unlock more benefits.

Modernization can mean a number of different things. It can mean increasing automation. It can be reducing some of your team’s manual effort. It could be moving instance classes to solutions that are more cost effective. There are all sorts of different ways to modernize and when we lead with a modernization approach, our customers tend to have the most success from a long term perspective.

Cloud-native applications have become really important these days. As we're seeing, the whole world is becoming digital & we always strive to stay ahead of the curve with our customers. A lot of our customers are moving away from providing their software services in a client-server capacity where they are deploying assets and resources to a data center, instead they are choosing to deploy those into cloud environments.

More and more customers want to actually modernize the way they deliver services to their consumers. They want to take advantage of multi-tenant architectures to scale out their platform really effectively. We are also seeing customers deploying SaaS applications that are ready to scale on AWS’ marketplace.

It is also important to give consideration to a serverless framework for your applications. Serverless architectures can be event-driven, fully code-based and allow the platform to scale up and down with the demand without overburdening compute and storage resources. 

Building New Applications vs Fixing Legacy Applications

Deciding between building new versus fixing a legacy application can always be a difficult challenge. With a lot of customers, sometimes things are not developed using best practices. When you have applications that are 10 - 15 years old, their tech stack can be a bit outdated and unoptimized to serve modern needs.

Oftentimes we'll find workloads that are hard coded, or workloads with a lot of monolithic architecture dependencies. In these cases, it makes more sense to rebuild the application completely net-new, because the work that goes into re-architecting can be challenging and require a lot of time and effort. It is better spent focusing that same time and effort to build from the ground up to take advantage of cloud native service features and functionalities – some of the best of breed technologies AWS provides.

Modernizing your legacy applications to take advantage of modern application architectures and cloud native services can help you reduce technical debt, innovate faster and optimize scalability and costs. Get in touch with our application modernization experts to discuss the best application modernization strategies for your use case. 

Application Modernization
Devin Cassinelli

Devin Cassinelli

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Caylent Services

Application Modernization

Innovate at the speed of light with modern applications powered by modular architectures running on purpose-built AWS services.

Caylent Catalysts™

Serverless App

Design new cloud native applications by providing secure, reliable and scalable development foundation and pathway to a minimum viable product (MVP).

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