Caylent Catalysts™

Disaster Recovery Strategy

Determine the disaster recovery (DR) strategy best suited to protect your workloads on AWS, tailored to your budgets and recovery targets.

What is it?

Gain insights into potential failure scenarios and design a DR plan to protect your workloads.

Disaster Recovery (DR) is an essential but traditionally expensive component of most IT operations, often requiring a full representation of the operational platform in multiple, geographically distinct regions. By leveraging AWS native services for DR, you’ll gain flexibility and agility to explore a variety of scenarios that can be tailored to your budgets and recovery targets.

From Availability Zones (AZs) and Regions for fault isolation, to Amazon S3 for file storage, to Amazon Aurora global databases and Amazon DynamoDB global tables for data stores - Caylent will help you determine the services best suited for your business goals, as well as design the DR plan and architecture that best suits your requirements.

Through this engagement, Caylent will lead a series of enablement workshops and conduct a tabletop failure scenario exercise with your team to help envision where your workloads are most susceptible to disaster. We’ll walk through what the current response to the disaster would be, as well as how adoption of AWS services could have helped prevent downtime or restore services within the recovery time objective.

Key Activities

01 — Discovery and Planning

We’ll lead an enablement session on AWS services, structures & strategies as well as run a requirements mapping workshop to meet your DR & backup objectives.

02 — Education

Based on your requirements, we’ll conduct a thought exercise, addressing failure scenarios, recovery or fail back with recommended DR AWS services and architectures for one workload.

03 — Design and Enablement

Design high-level AWS DR architecture recommendations for one workload, provide TCO estimate and implementation action plan. We’ll also provide all documents & artifacts created.

Engagement Details

Disaster Recovery Strategy

  • Gain an understanding of DR reference strategies & architectures, Backup & Restore, Pilot Light, Warm Standby, Multi-site active/active
  • Define DR goals around RTO/RPO, Multi-AZ & Multi-Region
  • Leverage our expertise in AWS services for DR across storage, databases, network IaC & CI/CD pipelines, secrets & config management, & logging & monitoring
  • Review DR testing practices: AWS GameDays, Chaos engineering with AWS Fault Injection Simulator
  • AWS DR architecture for selected workload
  • Prioritized roadmap based on targeted RTO & RPO
  • TCO estimate for recommended DR architecture
  • All diagrams and documentation developed in support of the engagement
  • All source code, scripts, templates, and other technical artifacts developed during the engagement

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